ACM Special Interest Group on Information Technology Education

Archive for March, 2021

SIGITE 2021 – 22nd Annual Conference on IT Education: Call For Papers

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The 22nd ACM Annual Conference on Information Technology Education (SIGITE 2021) will be co-hosted by Brigham Young University and Utah Valley University and will take place at the Snowbird Resort, October 6-9, 2021.

Check out the conference website
To know everything you need to know about the SIGITE 2021 conference, please visit the conference website.

Conference Theme

The theme of the 22nd ACM Annual Conference on Information Technology Education will be “Empowering IT Education”. The global pandemic has made it clear that modern education, work, and communication depend on a sound IT infrastructure. Educated professionals keep the IT infrastructure operating and growing. IT education is empowering individuals, organizations, and society to advance during current disruption and change.


Submission on any topic related to IT Education are encouraged, ranging from submission exploring related topic areas such as Cybersecurity, IoT, user experience design, distance and hybrid learning, and the state of IT as a field.

Submissions are open now and close at midnight Eastern Daylight Time on June 15, 2021.

All submissions will be made electronically and should use the ACM Templates. A PDF or Word document should be submitted for all types of submissions. All submissions can be electronically uploaded to the EasyChair service: Click here to submit on EasyChair.

Panel and workshop proposals should include author information, while all other submissions (papers, extended abstracts, and big ideas) should be anonymous, with all author information removed. Submissions must adhere to the page limits described below, and submissions that exceed the limits will be rejected without review. Authors must register for and attend the conference as specified below in order for their work to appear in the conference proceedings.

ACM Proceedings Template:

We are using the “Interim Template” for submissions. You can use either of the following options:

  1. The “Interim layout.docx” file available at 
  2. The “sigconf” Latex file. We recommend using the following Overleaf template: . After opening the template, make sure you choose sample-sigconf.tex . This should show a 2-column layout conference proceeding example.

ACM SIGITE 2021 Poster Templates:

Please use one of the following poster templates:

Other Information


Submissions will be no longer than six double-column pages and will undergo a blind peer reviewing process. Authors will have approximately 30 minutes for their presentation, including the question and answer period. Accepted papers must be presented by at least one author and will be published in the conference proceedings.


Panels allow experts to discuss a current topic of interest in IT education or research. Panel organizers are responsible for selecting appropriate panelists to participate. A panel will normally have at most four panelists including the organizer. Panel submissions should include a list of panelists, their affiliations, a description of the topics, and a brief position statement from each panelist. All panelists are expected to attend the conference and participate in the panel. Panel proposals are limited to two pages and will be published in the conference proceedings.


Workshops allow presenters to provide a tutorial or hands-on exploration of a topic in which attendees are expected to actively participate. The workshop proposer is required to attend the conference. Workshop proposals are limited to two pages and will be published in the conference proceedings.

Big Ideas in IT Education

Participants are invited to prepare big idea talks that present works that attempt to challenge traditional thinking and/or wherein authors are actively seeking feedback from the SIGITE community. Accepted talks will be presented in a session where each author is given 10 minutes to present their big idea including feedback. Big idea talk proposals are limited to one page. Accepted talks will be published in the conference proceedings.

Extended Abstracts

Manuscripts considered Work in Progress (WiP) can be submitted as an extended abstract (maximum two pages). Extended abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee for inclusion in the conference proceedings and will be presented as posters during the conference itself. We especially encourage submissions from MS and PhD students who would like feedback on their research efforts. Authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to present their ideas in the form of a poster using the following guidelines.
· Poster size should be 48” x 36” or less.
· Author(s) name(s), institution(s) and funding source(s) should appear on the poster.
· The title should be properly capitalized with a minimum font size of 80 points.
· The text should be written with a minimum font size of 18 points.
· Authors are encouraged to use a poster template. We recommend the template found at the following url:
· Boards and easels will be provided during the conference

Scholarship for Women

ACM-W provides support for women undergraduate and graduate students in Computer Science and related programs to attend research Computer Science conferences. Students who are not from a traditional CS/CE/SE department but working on Computer Science-related projects are also encouraged to apply.

Please apply at the ACM-W website here:

Accepted student names/likenesses may be used in a SIGITE publication or newsletter.


Students are encouraged to present papers at the conference. SIGITE will cover the conference registration and provide $500 toward expenses of attending the conference for the first 10 accepted student papers. If you would like to apply for this stipend, please notify the program chairs with the following information:
· Name
· Institution
· Degree being pursued
· Role in the paper and conference
· Coauthor(s)


Booths, opportunities for presentations, and/or space in the program will be made available to publishers, software houses, and other interested vendors who wish to sponsor SIGITE 2021. Interested parties are invited to contact the sponsorship chair Derek Hansen ( for information about exhibiting at or sponsoring the conference.

Contact information

For questions about submissions, please contact one of the program chairs: Paul Morrey ( or Derek Hansen (

For questions about the conference location, sponsorships or logistics, please contact the conference general chair: Barry Lunt (

Important dates

· June 15, 2021: Paper, panel, workshop, big ideas, and extended abstracts submissions due at midnight (EDT)
· July 15, 2021: Acceptance/rejection notification & reviewer feedback for papers, panels, and


Workshops allow presenters to provide a tutorial or hands-on exploration of a topic in which attendees are expected to actively participate. The workshop proposer is required to attend the conference. Workshop proposals are limited to two pages and will be published in the conference proceedings. Workshops are typically 90 minutes, however, you may specify that you would like your workshop to run for 2 back-to-back 90-minute sessions if desired.

Key Dates

  • August 2, 2021: Final versions of papers, panels, workshops, big ideas, and extended abstracts due
  • October 6-9, 2021: SIGITE 2021
Call For Papers
Submit here your papers for the SIGITE 2021 conference